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Wholesale Graduation Dresses
A graduation is an academic celebration at the end of the high school years, and when people finish college courses to earn degrees. The commencement ceremonies are formal affairs and the men and women who are in them are expected to dress for graduation like they were dressing for church, a wedding, or an important dinner. Grad dresses are worn beneath the commencement robes.

A graduation dress is usually not cut very low. The women are expected o be modestly dresses during the ceremony so the grad dresses are usually designed to completely cover the bosom, and they are usually never sleeveless.
If you are stocking a dress shop with items that women might choose to wear to these occasions, then you will want to have several different styles. Choose modest dresses that do not have bright, or bold patterns to them. You may want to choose dresses that have collars.
Make sure that you choose all different sizes of garments to stock up for the graduates. You will want junior sizes all the way up to plus sizes so that every girl has the opportunity to find a garment that will fit them right.

Short Graduation Dresses
Dresses for graduation may be above the knee designs, or below the knee designs. Short graduation dresses are chosen more frequently than long dresses are because the robes that the student is wearing will cover the short styles, but the longer gowns would show beneath the robes.
The shorter dresses are more frequently chosen, but many women choose dresses that come below their knee. Very few girls will choose an extremely short dress to wear to this occasion. Very short dresses are more appropriate for dance clubs, and parties than for commencement ceremonies.

Long Graduation Dresses
When a girl chooses a long graduation dress to wear to the ceremony, they need to consider the color of the commencement robe they are wearing. Many schools require that the girls dress for graduation in a black skirt, or black dress instead of wearing a colored item. The young men who are graduating are required to wear grey or black slacks.
Dresses for graduation are considered to be long if they come below the knee. These gowns are never floor length, and they never come as far down the girl’s leg as the ankle. The commencement ceremony is a formal event, but it is not formal enough to require the young lady to dress in a floor length gown.